Mind Matters Athlete Coaching Podcast
Mind Matters Athlete Coaching Podcast
Tasman Nankervis' Lifetime GP Journey
The Nankervis name is synonymous with the mountain bike XC scene in Australia. Tasman along with his brother Russ, have long featured among the best mountain bike racers in the country. 2023 would take Tas however on a slightly different adventure, the former U23 XCO national champion was selected among 35 of the best cyclists in the world to partake in the USA's 'Lifetime GP' invitation only series.
We also get to hear from Tas' partner Mon Holmes whom was fresh off finishing her first ever full Ironman in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Tas' development to this level has not followed a traditional trajectory, listen to what has motivated Tas on an already extensive cycling career, and the amazing community that has fostered cycling in his hometown of Bendigo.